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Lock is an innovative lock tag in / tag out mechanism via OTP
Current loto standard and process lacks auditing of lock tag in and out process.
Isolators, permit issuer and intended receipents are unaware of current status of isolation
Energy sources are not well defined for safety instructions, number of locks required for isolations, permit status
Lock is the world's most advanced lockout procedures management system built to improve safety and productivity
Lock enables features to add users like isolator, technicians.
Energy sources can be identified and be listed along with safety instructions.
Lock issues permit digitally via web and mobile app.
With LOCK our rugged smart locks are used to physically secure isolated energy. To protect workers, smart Loto uses a digital lock. A worker's digital Key in the form of OTP prevents secured smart lock from being unlocked. Only when every worker has shared his/her OTP the smart lock is opened to re-energize equipment.
LOCK uses real-time cloud-based communi- cation to improve safety and productivity while working to reduce the occurrence and impact of human error. LOCK gives you re- al-time awareness and insight into all ongoing activities from anywhere in the world.
Innovate your safety & effectiveness to empower your teams to deliver operational excellence
LOCK activities are stored in the cloud, enabling real-time reporting from anywhere in the world.
Energy sources are well identified and documented digitally for safety instructions
The digital process eliminates paperwork hence the effectiveness of the process.